R1 shock-proof 1 Tube + brassard

R1 shock-proof 1 Tube + brassard
R1 shock-proof 1 Tube + brassard
R1 shock-proof 1 Tube + brassard
R1 shock-proof 1 Tube + brassard
R1 shock-proof 1 Tube + brassard
R1 shock-proof 1 Tube + brassard
Ab 102,00 € HT

10 Jahre

Warning: This product is only available for delivery in FRANCE - BELGIUM AND SWITZERLAND

the new standard for the measurement of the annual ceramic press # with the patented anti-shock technology. Fast and ergonomic pumping thanks to this its practical form of a ball and & rsquo; the spoonful is integered. The relief valve opens without a break and allows a precise and comfortable handling. 5 years warranty on calibration. Shockproof up to 120cm in height. Traditional tensiometers are sensitive to shocks and may make imprecise measurements after shock, fall to the ground and can no longer be used. This results in inaccurate values ​​or considerable logistical costs. Dial: & Oslash; 52 mm black with fluorescent red pointer Valve stem and ventilation channel, dot & oacute; of a relief valve, in metal. ABS Boiler two components. Threaded metal pipe fitting & oacute; at the top of the box for fast cuff exchange and ergonomic use Maximum error tolerance of +/- 2 mmHg Adult cuff with pouch, velcro closure. Vinyl pocket and & gt; closing & agrave; Guide channel & egrave; re. Weight: 173 gram BHS validation, see https://www.bhsoc.org/bp-monitors/bp-monitors/

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