Manomètre Minimus® II + Brassard

minimus® II, brassard velcro, adultes
minimus® II, brassard velcro, adultes
minimus® II, brassard velcro, adultes
minimus® II, brassard velcro, adultes
minimus® II, brassard velcro, adultes
minimus® II, brassard velcro, adultes
minimus® II, brassard velcro, adultes
minimus® II, brassard velcro, adultes
Ab 128,00 € HT
  • Simple tubulure
  • Double tubulure

Warning: This product is only available for delivery in FRANCE - BELGIUM AND SWITZERLAND

minimus® II - Tensiom is high quality manopory in metal. Tensiom® is compact & agrave; a single tube and graduated dial. With adult 1-tube velcro cuff, for arm circumference 24-32cm. Sturdy, chromed and polished metal housing with metal ring, protec ... against corrosion. Precision metal air purge valve with fine and hard-wearing adjustment. Microfilter for protection of the purge valve and the measuring system. Handle made of stainless steel spoon-shaped. Copper-ceramic membrane specially hardened and resistant to aging. Connector metal screw for the armbands, at the top of the manometer. Capacity & eacute; pressure load of the diaphragm up to; 600 mm Hg. Maximum error tolerance of +/- 2 mmHg. Linear aluminum dial, & Oslash; 49 mm (1.9 in), easy & agrave; read, from 0 & 300 mmHg. Delivered device with vinyl case closed clear. Complete selection of different sizes and versions of armbands. BHS validation, see

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