Stéthoscope duplex® aluminium

Stéthoscope duplex®  aluminium
Stéthoscope duplex®  aluminium
Stéthoscope duplex®  aluminium
Stéthoscope duplex®  aluminium
Stéthoscope duplex®  aluminium
Stéthoscope duplex®  aluminium
Ab 24,00 € HT

5 Jahre

Warning: This product is only available for delivery in FRANCE - BELGIUM AND SWITZERLAND

duplex® - the sound and economical stethoscope with high acoustic performance for daily monitoring of adults and children. Double horn of choice available in chromed brass & oacute. or galvanized aluminum & oacute; special light. Special membrane for perfect auscultation, & Oslash; 48 mm, with very flat and soft anti-cold rings for a better comfort on the skin. Bell Pavilion & Oslash; 36 mm. Total length: 77 cm. The duplex catheter & reg; is delivered & oacute; with a pair of spare tips and a spare diaphragm. Black pipe, latex free

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